ESP8266 Furnace Code

Here’s the code for the smart furnace project. This is provided “as is”. Use at your own risk; I take no responsibility if this code damages or destroys your equipment or home or injures or kills anyone. Controlling household/industrial equipment is a non-trivial task.

6 thoughts on “ESP8266 Furnace Code”

    1. I’ve been tweaking it a bit too. There are issues like if the furnace is on and the MQTT broker goes down, then there should be a safety feature to turn off the furnace. And if for whatever reason the controller doesn’t give an OFF signal after 2-3 hours, maybe it died too and this should shut things down. I have it mostly working with those features and will try to get the code up soon. Just be warned that it’s very experimental and should be used with caution and monitored carefully.

    2. Ok it’s all updated now. Should work. Be careful and test it though. No promises. The failsafe feature only works for one zone so far.

  1. Hi
    can you expain below topic
    as well i am geting error after put mqtt detail
    WiFi connected
    IP address:
    Attempting MQTT connection…failed, rc=-2 try again in 5 seconds
    Attempting MQTT connection…failed, rc=-2 try again in 5 seconds

    1. Whoops, I redacted my definitions at the top incorrectly. I just updated them. mqtt_status_topic is intended to be a way to monitor the status of the ESP8266 to see if it goes offline or enters an error state. listen_topic is what the ESP8266 will be subscribed to. Send messages to that topic to control the heater.

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