I do a lot of stuff each day, and then forget most of it. Sometimes I learn something, sometimes I get a thesis topic, sometimes I do a fun project or have a nice thought. I think a wordpress page might help me organize and remember what I do with my life. That’d be nice.
Today, I spent most of the day making a new webpage for whatisnuclear.com. You can find it at http://www.whatisnuclear.com/articles/recycling.html
Since Obama zeroed out the funding for Yucca mountain, Prof. Fleming, Kearfoot and I think it’s a great time to start recycling. I made this page to help explain exactly what that means and why it’s good.
I then went to Sweetwaters and got some Chai with skim milk. It was delicious! I opened up the lappy laptop and worked on my single goal of the evening: plotting search directions in a manner similar to the input maker. I searched for some kind of wxPython colormap, but didn’t find anything and then luckily found that Matplotlib has all the capability I need. Using the scatter function, you can specify hexagon symbols with arbitrary angles. Excellent. Check this plot out:

Yeah. That’s excellent. Now I just have to figure out how to get it to size automatically.
Ceris brought a recent The Economist over with some legalization of drugs propaganda. They’re position has been to legalize the drugs, and spend the billions on treating addiction instead of jailing recreational users. I agree. It had other articles that caught my interest, specifically some on the clean coal myth, solar collecting balloons, and devices that charge wirelessly. That got me thinking that my camera batteries never charge anymore. So I went online and bought a well-reviewed charger, thinking that maybe my Ni-MH chargers are both defective, since all 12 of my batteries don’t last in my camera anymore.
I watched the rest of RENT last night with Adrienne and dumpster girl. I never knew what it was about. I kind of liked it, although I don’t have much profound thought about it. It’s been a lazy weekend. The most important accomplishment was the completion of the hot tub controller project. More on this once my camera works again.