online happiness

I’ve found four excellent things online recently and think I should re-share them to all zero of my faithful blog readers. Hi friends! Anyway, I just posted a rant about Twitter, so no need to go there again. That’s the first one.

My friend Adam showed me this excellent free PDF book by David MacKay called Sustainable Energy – without the hot air. It is straight talk about all the crazy myths and misconceptions going around about renewables and other energy issues. The first few items on that link are raving review one-liners by high-profile peeps. Well written with much infused sarcasm.

And from Slashdot, I read a bit of this pdf (A Mathematician’s Lament) on the status of the USA mathematical education system. It’s twenty-five pages of welcome truth. Again sarcastic and wonderful.

Finally, there’s the DropBox. I’d heard about it earlier, but at work in Seattle where I’m actually using 2 computers, it’s become invaluable. It seamlessly integrates into my file managers (My Computer in windows, Nautilus in Ubuntu, and I think Finder in Mac). When I drag or change a file in my designated drop box folder on any computer, it automatically synchronizes across all computers. It’s superbly wonderful. As a bonus, it’s web interface keeps versions of every single update. So if you want to go back to the file you overwrote 2 days ago, no problem, there it is. Click this link to accept my referral and give me 250 extra MB! Or this one to sign up without giving me a bonus.

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